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Tag Archives: Cyber security

6 Smartphone Mistakes That Leave You Vulnerable To Online Stalkers

SAN FRANCISCO — Smartphones have become a part of nearly everything we do in the digital age. From ordering food to entertainment to finding someone to date, our phones are in our hands or somewhere nearby all the time. Unfortunately, there are plenty of bad seeds out there that know this and are looking to exploit this digital dependency. One ...

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Are There 7,513 Unread Emails Cluttering Your Inbox? Expert Explains Why That’s Unwise

How do you manage your emails? Are you an “inbox zero” kind of person, or do you just leave thousands of them unread? Our new study, published in the journal Information Research, suggests that leaving all your emails in the inbox is likely to leave you dissatisfied with your personal records management. In an exploratory survey, we asked participants how ...

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Cyber security start-ups fall on hard times

Becoming corporate ‘zombies’. A wave of cyber attacks should make these heady days for US cyber security start-ups. Instead, many in the crowded market are struggling to live up to their early promise. In some cases, the security products they developed have been overtaken by advances in hacking, according to industry executives and venture capitalists. In others, larger competitors have come ...

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