Home / Technology / Android Security Update Fixes 108 Flaws This July

Android Security Update Fixes 108 Flaws This July


Earlier this week Google released a new and unusually large security update to its mobile operating system Android for July. In fact, vulnerabilities are so many – 108 that required a patch to be released on two levels.

The first part of the “patch” fix vulnerabilities on Android as a breakthrough in the component Mediaserver, which can be exploits via email, MMS or browsing using a specially created media files.

Another vulnerability affects OpenSSL and BoringSSL and again can be activated with a special file. They also identified bugs in Bluetooth connectivity and some Android libraries that allow a high degree of control over the device.

The second patch is aimed at fixing problems related to drivers and components for specific manufacturers such as Qualcomm, NVIDIA and MediaTek, as well as some vulnerabilities in the kernel.

Google assures that there are no indications some of the fixed security bugs on Android to have been used by hackers. As usual, the first patch will be released for devices of Google, while other Android manufacturers and mobile operators have to implement them gradually.

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